What Makes a Wine Ethically Responsible?

Ethical labour practices are becoming a important aspect that wine businesses and customers are taking more option into consideration when selecting wines and wineries. These new movements for greater social ethics are forcing the industry to tackle questions about diversity, equity, and inclusion. When we come across a very cheaply priced wine, we, as customer, have the responsibility to start asking ourselves a crucial question: whose labour is being exploited here?

Are Animals a Crucial Ingredient for Vineyards and Ecosystems?

According to current studies, the use of grazing animals in vineyards is a vineyard management tool that complements regenerative, organic, and biodynamic farming practices. The use of grazing animals also have a bearing on soil quality helping to improve the level of organic matter. This makes it possible to mitigate climate change, and make the wine sector more resilient.

Carbon Insetting: Doing More Good Rather Than Less Bad

When it takes to take action on sequestering GHGs, wine companies have had the option to do offsetting, which is based on the idea of buying carbon credits to protect or enhance land/forests in various places around the world. Nevertheless, recent studies on carbon accounting rules for land use are encouraging what is called insetting based on the idea of compensating our emissions through a carbon footprint mitigation project within our own value chain.